15 weeks down, 25ish to go! My how time is flying already. I still don't really feel pregnant, though the frame on my desk reminds me every day of the little guy or girl growing in my belly. And even though I keep telling people that I'm finally showing, they all continue to tell me it looks like I'm just bloated, which I'm pretty sure isn't a compliment. :-) I thought that the major bloating was over, boy was I wrong. I definitely tried on a pair of dress pants this morning and, if this tells you anything, I'm not wearing them. Happy birthday to me, my pants don't fit! I really can't wait for there to be a real and noticeable baby bump so I start to feel pregnant, and not just full of gas.
On a good note I get to go to the doctor today for a check-up and for the doc to listen to Bob's heartbeat. I tell ya, not being able to feel the baby kick and squirm, which I know he/she is based on the last ultrasound, makes a mom-to-be a little nervous. I know I know, I should be happy that my baby is safe in my belly and should cherish this time, but I still can't wait for Bob to be out and about where I can see him/her. In the mean time I try to just keep as low stress as possible and feed Bob right.
My body is still doing weird things that are taking some time to get used to. When I stand up or roll out of bed I feel my hips pop and my vertebrae crack like a zipper up my back. Not loud, it just feels funny. I'm told this is because of the hormone relaxin that is produced in the body to prepare your body for birth by loosening up ligaments. In addition I experienced severe pain last week in my tail bone that made it almost impossible for me to walk up or down stairs and would sometimes drop me to my knees. (I tired to bowl under these circumstances and looked like a complete idiot...just ask my coworkers) Thank goodness that is subsiding, but I'm not going to get too excited because it may return.
15 Week Check-In
Weight Gain: This morning it was 3.5 pounds :-)
Showing: Apparently it's still more bloat than baby, or so I'm told
Maternity Clothes: Not yet, but I feel some shopping coming on!
Favorite Moment This Week: Waking up to my birthday card from my husband that said to Kerry or Mom
Most Looking Forward To: Hearing Bob's heartbeat today!!!
They're much easier as inside babies...